Company gironina of contemporary dance directed by Neus Canalias and Albert Dueñas that inducts his route the September of 2014 and that seeks to develop his own language of movement by means of the collaboration with multidisciplinary artists. As a formation split of the necessity to seek new forms of creation through the difference, that open us new doors to develop the creativity, respecting and valuing the diversity at our society. The fight for the equality of royalties does not pass only to understand that our society is formed by varied persons , but so that this plurality was present at continuums the spheres of the society and the culture. This implies no only can enjoy of this as a viewers, but also take part in the process creative. Having this very present aim, The mujer of the carnicero, pretends being a platform to give visibility at those artists with diversity that are demanding his legitimate room at the ongoing artistic panorama. It is at this point where the city councils and theaters of our territory can mark the difference, giving the opportunity at formations like our to do arrive at the public the work of these artists. We have taken part at reputed festivals like the Sismògraf 2018, Scene Movile 2016, 2018 and the 2017 at the First International Contest Scene Movile, RipollEsdansa (2018), Frikcions (2018) among of others. The mujer of the carnicero works together with the Association Innerland Projekt for apropar artistic and educational proposals inclusive at townships and cities of the territory. By means of the activity of the association blast on the one hand open a room of research and creation and, at the same time, work to offer a regular formation at dance for persons with and without functional diversity.
Although the dance contributes big physical benefits, psychological and emotional at who practices it, the inclusive dance ( work with persons with and without functional diversity), does not have a therapeutic purpose, since his aim is the artistic fact at if same. The Association Innerland Projekt pretends apropar the dance at girls, youngsters and adults with and without functional diversity that want to share experiences, explore the language of the dance and discover new roads of creation by means of the learning of the contemporary dance, the experimentation and the collaborative work. One of the peculiarities of our work is that we try that always that it was possible the educational squads are mixed, that is to say that there is an educational with diversity and one without. We have realised inclusive workshops among other places in Mallorca, Tarragona, València, Sevilla, Madrid and Celrà.
Length: 30′
Creation and interpretation: Neus Canalias and Laila White
Fotografia and video: Laila White
Música: Laila White, Antonio Izquierdo y Gustavo Santaolalla
Layers talks of the cloaks that does not perceive the gaze, those that obscure at the invisible women, the varied women. The society has commenced at talking and at rebuffing the inequality and the violence of genus. But that passes with those that different sleep, where his voice? The mujer of the carnicero is a company gironina of contemporary dance directed by Neus Canalias and Albert Dueñas. It inducts his route the September of the 2014 and that seeks to develop his own language of movement by means of the collaboration with artists multidisciplinars. “Layers” Is the fourth piece of the company, created with the dancer and photographer Laila White.
Length: 20′
Creation: NeusCanalias
Musician: FrancescRamírez
Performers: Francesc Ramírez y Neus Canalias
Càpsules It is a gaze at the sensitive cities, these landscapes that form part of our daily horizon. Edifices, streets, plazas…places with own life, rooms that inhabit, sometimes without understanding them, although they let his print at our bodies.
38 segundos
Length: 20 minutes
Creation: Neus Canalias
Música: Antonio Izquierdo
Intèrprets: Isabel Palomeque, Antonio Izquierdo
Nobody respects the room of the others. We walk raging the whole world at our step. We think us invincible until the world crushes us. They are sufficient 38 bren , 38 bren and his world sinks , explodes disappears. No longer I recognise me, now am in a prison, surrounded of would sweep, despulls humans. What have done I to merit this, nothing?
Nobody respects the room of the others…
Nobody respects the room of the others…
Bajo la piel
Creación: Neus Canalias
Intérpretes: Neus Canalias i Laila White
La mujer del carnicero,
pictorial work from which this formation takes its name, is one of the creations of the artist Ivo Dueñas (1976/2002). This painting, completed in 2000, is part of a trilogy inspired by the profession of his brother Albert at the time, and in the universe created by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro, directors of the French film Delicatessen (1991).